
Plugin Installation

Installing the plugins is just like installing other WordPress plugins. If you don’t know how to install plugins, please review the two options below:

Install by ZIP File #

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, choose ‘Add New’ under the ‘Plugins’ category
  2. Select ‘Upload Plugin’ from the set of links at the top of the page (the second link)
  3. From here, browse for the zip file included in your plugin purchase titled ‘whols-pro-1.0.0-installable.zip’ and click the ‘Install Now’ button
  4. Once installation is complete, activate the plugin to enable its features.

Install by FTP #

  1. Unzip the ‘whols-pro-1.0.0-installable.zip’ first and then upload the folder to the plugins directory of your WordPress install (/WORDPRESS-DIRECTORY/wp-content/plugins/) [e.g. www.yourdomain.com/wp-content/plugins/]
  2. From your WordPress dashboard, choose ‘Installed Plugins’ option under the ‘Plugins’ category
  3. Locate the newly added plugin and click on the ‘Activate’ link to enable its features.

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