Guest Access Restriction
How to hide the wholesale prices for the guest users? #
First off all, go to the settings page of the Whols plugin dashboard. Now, click on the Guest Access Restriction > Hide Price For Guest Users = Enable to keep the wholesale prices hidden from the guest users.
Let’s see how the feature works! If you visite the shop page, you will see a link text, seaing “Login to see the price“. It means a user must be logged in to the store to see the wholesale price.

Enable Website Restriction Type #
There are three types of restrictions that you can assign on your website.
No Restriction #
By default, the website will have the “No Restrictions” option selected. By selecting this your website will be accessible to everyone without any restrictions.
For Only Shop #
If you choose the “For Only Shop” option, the restrictions only apply to the shop page. Upon selecting this, There will be 3 types of sub-option for you to choose from which defines “who can access your shop page”.
- Everyone
- Logged in Users
- Logged in Users with Wholesaler Role

For the Entire Website #
Lastly, If you choose the third option “For the Entire Website”, the restrictions will be applied to the entire website. Just like before, There will be 3 types of sub-option for you to choose from which defines “who can access your shop page”.
- Everyone
- Logged in Users
- Logged in Users with Wholesaler Role
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