

Version: 1.3.9 – Date: 21 Oct 2024

  • Added: Conversation feature
  • Added: Request a quote feature
  • Added: Registration form upload/file field
  • Fixed: Undefined $variation_id after placing order
  • Fixed: Fixed cart and checkout page still being accessible when restiction is enabled

Version: 1.3.8 – Date: 11 Sep 2024

  • Added: Dynamic rules feature
  • Fixed: Undefined variation_id issue
  • Fixed: Prevent accessing wholesale products by non-wholesaler users
  • Fixed: Price range dummy price issue

Version: 1.3.7 – Date: 29 Aug 2024

  • Fixed: Manual order create price calculation doesn\’t work when HPOS is active
  • Fixed: Deprecated \’instructions\’ property issue with PHP >8.0

Version: 1.3.6 – Date: 11 Aug 2024

  • Added: Compatibility with Fibosearch plugin
  • Added: Compatibility with block based checkout page for Invoice payment gateway
  • Updated: 3rd party libraries for latest PHP version compatibility

Version: 1.3.5 – Date: 14 July 2024

  • Fixed: Variation price issue in the admin Column

Version: 1.3.4 – Date: 02 Jun 2024

  • Added Feature: Admin can order for Wholesaler
  • Fixed: Data migration too much loading time

Version: 1.3.3 – Date: 06 May 2024

  • Fixed: Registration form submission doesn’t work with FSE theme

Version: 1.3.2 – Date: 13 March 2024

  • Added: Google Recaptcha Integration
  • Added: Option to enable or disable purchase Permission for public pricing
  • Added: Option to hide price for non wholesaler
  • Added: Data from the registration form can be viewed from the approve/reject wholesaler screen
  • Fixed: Admin bar menu links don’t work the issue
  • Fixed: Remove “Login To See Price” label for the variation product
  • Tweak: Added custom body class

Version: 1.3.1 – Date: 10 January 2024

  • Added: Force auto apply minimum quantity
  • Improved: WPML compatibility
  • Fixed: Retailer products shows in related products
  • Fixed: Discount label issue
  • Fixed: Wholesaler variable price issue while using global price options
  • Tweak: Simplified the nonce verification message

Version: 1.3.0 – Date: 14 December 2023

  • Added: Compatibility with WPML & Polylang Plugin
  • Added: Force add to cart Min Quantity for product loops
  • Fixed: Wholesaler doesn’t assign issue
  • Fixed: Auto apply min qty doesn’t apply for single role

Version: 1.2.9 – Date: 21 November 2023

  • Added: Wholesaler role field for the registration form and make it compatible with the “Default” Wholesaler role option.
  • Fixed: Website Restriction Feature issue
  • Tweak: Improved Wholesaler Registration form error handling

Version: 1.2.8 – Date: 15 October 2023

  • Fixed: Generates warning while accessing $post->ID via ajax request
  • Fixed: Showing Duplicate Exclude Tax field
  • Tweak: Fixed the capability of showing “Add New” button

Version: 1.2.7 – Date: 19 September 2023

  • Added: Auto Apply Minimum Quantity option.
  • Fixed: Role doesn’t update once it set on Wholesale request page.
  • Fixed: Compatibility with packing slip plugin.
  • Fixed: Added Compatibility With WooLentor’s elementor addons and wc [products] shortcode.

Version: 1.2.6 – Date: 16 August 2023

  • Added: Retailer only feature in the product visibility option in the product metabox
  • Improved: Product Visibility option labels in the global settings
  • Fixed: Undefined $user->ID issue
  • Fixed: On click remove icon of variation product doesn’t allow save change from product edit.
  • Updated: License Manager

Version: 1.2.5 – Date: 29 April 2023

  • Added: Option to change minimum quantity notice text
  • Added: Placeholder in the min qty metabox field
  • Fixed: Wholesaler role and label condition issue
  • Fixed: Price tax display issue for single role
  • Fixed: Discounted price doesn’t reflect on mini cart issue
  • Fixed: Decimal pricing issue for price which is less than 1
  • Fixed: PHP version compatibility issue for the get_current_screen Undefined function

Version: 1.2.4 – Date: 09 March 2023

  • Added: Quantity based pricing for multiple role based pricing model
  • Fixed: Wholesaler request doesn’t delete on deleting user

Version: 1.2.3 – Date: 07 Feb 2023

  • Fixed: Tax exempt override per role issue
  • Fixed: Field type for the registration form
  • Fixed: Role name change doesn’t reflect in the role list issue
  • Tweak: Some improvements in the role add/edit page
  • Fixed: License page CSS missing issue

Version: 1.2.2 – Date: 24 Jan 2023

  • Fixed: Wholesale only products shows for the non wholesalers issue

Version: 1.2.1 – Date: 09 Jan 2023

  • Fixed: Price range doesn’t show for variable product
  • Added: Option to change registration form submit button label
  • Added: Loading icon support for the registration form submit button
  • Added: Invoice payment method
  • Added: Compatibility with the “Favorite PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce” plugin
  • Tweak: Added scroll to notice for registration form
  • Tweak: Added support for email notification html formatting
  • Tweak: Added support for the last name, country, state field in the registration form
  • Tweak: Auto Scroll to notice after submit the form
  • Tweak: Added support for email notification html formatting

Version: 1.2.0 – Date: 29 Nov 2022

  • Fixed: Duplicate taxonomy metabox issue for tab & fieldset type field.
  • Fixed: Admin Column price were showing wrong for percentage price.
  • Fixed: Wholesaler price were shwoing 00 for free product or the product that doesn’t have any price.
  • Fixed: Conflict with just tables plugin.
  • Fixed: Wholesale price Column global price were displaying even it is off.
  • Added: A dropdown options of the “order types” to filter the orders.
  • Added: “Order Type” Column in the order table.
  • Added: Label to display if an order item is wholesale price or not in order received page or order edit page.
  • Added: New feature “Custom thank you message for wholesales”
  • Added: Test mode feature
  • Added: Filter hook whols_minimum_quantity_notice_threshold
  • Tweak: Order type meta data mirgration for old users.

Version: 1.1.9 – Date: 05 Nov 2022

  • Fixed: Undefined variable $fields
  • Fixed: Price shows 0 for variable product while price value is empty from the global pricing.
  • Fixed: Login to view price link issue
  • Added: Wholesaler only categories.
  • Improved: Coding stracture by adding namespace and separated some functionalities into different class.

Version: 1.1.8 – Date: 18 Oct 2022

  • Fixed: Wraning from the email notification file while sending email
  • Improved: Field manager
  • Added: Wholesale Price Column
  • Added: Registration page state label into the page list table
  • Added: Option to assign wholesale registration form
  • Added: Conditionally add the registration form shortcode into the assigned page

Version: 1.1.7 – Date: 01 Oct 2022

  • Added: Registration fields manager

Version: 1.1.6 – Date: 19 Sep 2022

  • Updated: Pot file
  • Fixed: Whholesale label show on cart page for variation product
  • Added: Filter hook whols_hide_price_for_guest_users
  • Tweak: Compatibility with WooCommerce’s tax display settings for simple product

Version: 1.1.5 – Date: 08 Aug 2022

  • Updated: Pot file
  • Fixed: Warning on plugin activation

Version: 1.1.4 – Date: 04 Aug 2022

  • Fixed: Coupon is applied even if it is disabled
  • Fixed: Price decimal issue for the taxonomy metabox price field
  • Fixed: Warning on profile edit page of additional fields
  • Fixed: Cart page price display as flat number

Version: 1.1.3 – Date: 04 Jul 2022

  • Compatibility: Compatible with WooCommerce’s price decimal option
  • Fixed: Roles doesn’t show properly after click on the “Add price another role” button

Version: 1.1.2 – Date: 21 June 2022

  • Updated: Pot(language) file
  • Improved: is_wholesaler user function, for client tax problem issue
  • Fixed: Multiple role current user role was not getting properly

Version: 1.1.1 – Date: 12 May 2022

  • Added: Filter hook whols_disable_del_tag
  • Added: WooCommerce default user fields support for the registration form
  • Fixed: Discount range show from 0%
  • Fixed: Login to view price custom label
  • Fixed: Multiple role current user role was not getting properly

Version: 1.1.0 – Date: 17 Apr 2022

  • Fixed: Incorrect price save info
  • Fixed: Multiple Role | Price doesn’t apply issue

Version: 1.0.9 – Date: 12 Apr 2022

  • Improved: Price save info
  • Fixed: Showing available variation price when set to percentage but no qty
  • Fixed: Price doesn’t apply on cart page when only global pricing is set with no qty
  • Fixed: Show min quantity table for non wholesale customers
  • Fixed: Variable product price range issue
  • Fixed: Login to view price link issue
  • Fixed: Variable product wrong discount save data issue

Version: 1.0.8 – Date: 12 Mar 2022

  • Added: Filter hook to manage capabilites
  • Fixed: Tax exempt option still applied even after plugin deactivation
  • Added: Checkbox field support for registration form

Version: 1.0.7 – Date: 10 Feb 2022

  • Fixed: Price does not apply on cart page for variable product
  • Added: Wholesale label
  • Fixed: Multiple role issue on cart page