
How To Use

Whols – WooCommerce Wholesale Prices plugin
How to install Whols plugin and complete the basic setup
How to add a wholesaler registration form & approve role for wholesaler using Whols plugin
How to set wholesale prices for different categories using the Whols WooCommerce plugin
How to hide wholesale prices for guest users using the Whols WooCommerce plugin
How to Enable Free Shipping For Wholesale Customers Using The Whols WooCommerce Plugin
How To Set Different Price For Different Wholesale Customers

Step: 1:

Install & Activate the plugin

Step: 2:

After activating the plugin you will get a new menu called “Whols” OR click on the “Settings” quick link which is located beside the “Deactivate” plugin link.

Click on the settings

Step: 3:

Navigate to “General Settings” > “Price Options For Pricing Model: Single Role”

  1. Turn On the switch of “Enable This Pricing”
  2. Set “Price Type” to “Percent”
  3. Enter “Price Value” as your need. For example: if you enter 75. Then the product price will be 75% of the existing price & wholesalers will get 25% discount.
  4. Enter “Minimum Quantity”. For example: if you enter 10. Then wholesaler customers will need to add 10 quantities of a product into the cart otherwise wholesale price will not apply. Note: Wholesaler customers will get a notice in the shop/product details about the minimum quantity to purchase.
  5. Finally “Save” the settings. Wholesale price is now applied globally to the entire shop.
General Settings

Step: 4:

Navigate to “General Settings” > “Price Options For Pricing Model: Single Role”


Step: 5:

Set the role to “Default Role – Whols Role”

whols Role

Step: 6:

Now you need to login as a wholesaler to see the wholesaler prices.

My account

Step: 7:

Look at the products. All the prices are set to your given price.

  1. Original / Retailer Price
  2. Wholesaler Price
  3. Customers will save up to this amount
  4. Minimum quantity notice
Wholesale Pricing Shop